Kallme has introduced a new smartwatch to the market, the Hero 4. Visually, it is similar to the Huawei Watch Ultimate, which also comes in gold. The new Chinese model…
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The updated HP Spectre x360 14 for 2024 features an Intel Meteor Lake processor, a redesigned casing, Wi-Fi 7, and…
It has officially been verified that the upcoming Xiaomi tablet will belong to the Pad 6 series, not the Pad…
Huawei has begun to tease a new smartphone that will be released. The smartphone in issue is reportedly Huawei's comeback…
Presidents Day is being celebrated by Amazon with huge discounts on its Echo lineup, which includes the fourth-generation Amazon Echo.…
In an Instagram review of Apple's Vision Pro, CEO of Meta Mark Zuckerberg reminded us all that the two companies'…
The debut of the JBL L42ms integrated music system in the UK has been announced by Harman. The newest model…
In the last several weeks, there have been numerous rumors concerning an impending Xiaomi Android tablet. Although at first it…
A new beta version for the Fenix 7 series has been made available by Garmin. As usual, if the devices…
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