Allowing other people's comments or deeds to occupy our minds can destroy a perfectly fine day. Taurus, Get on with it if they don't understand your vision right now; they…
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Today, the Sun shines brightly onto the signs, inspiring creativity and cultivating a sense of gratitude for the small things…
If you're experiencing optimism and brightness, you may be connecting with Jupiter's energies. Aquarius, Are you prepared to move forward…
A new lunar cycle lasting a month commences with the New Moon. Stated differently, the cosmos welcomes in a fresh…
If you're feeling uneasy and uncertain, the world is calling you to pay close attention to what you need. Cancer,…
Impulsive choices and unplanned deeds of kindness can add up to something bigger. Taurus, keep an open-mind, your soul-mate could…
You'll have a busy week as Mercury enters Aquarius, which will make you creative and mentally nimble. A New Moon…
Today we have a convergence of Mercury, the planet of communication, and Pluto, the planet of destruction. Therefore, Virgo, use…
The stars and planets of today suggest a change. Aries, start by establishing new contacts; they might have creative suggestions for…
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