Tag: technology

Reddit is licensing its content to Google to aid in training its AI models

Reddit and Google announced a partnership that will enable Google to train its artificial intelligence (AI) models on

Odysseus made history by becoming first commercial spacecraft to land on the moon

Odysseus lunar lander has created history by becoming the first private spacecraft to land on the moon. In

A dead satellite crashed half way across the world from its intended landing spot

It took some time to determine where and how a European satellite went after it fell out of

A capsule is scheduled to launch humans into space by balloon from next year

Next year, a capsule that uses balloons to carry passengers to the edge of space will begin offering

Scientists develops a pair of testicles; does this mean man is doomed?

In the form of artificially generated testicles, scientists have really grown a pair. Scientists at Bar-Ilan University in

WhatsApp is releasing a fascinating upgrade for Android users

Huge announcement for lovers of Android formatting: WhatsApp will soon support quotations, bullet points, and number lists. Until

The fate of the universe is in jeopardy – AI specialist

As there is no proof that the technology can be managed, a specialist in artificial intelligence (AI) has

Apple advises iPhone users against using a well-known trick if phone falls into water

A recent Apple tip renders a long-trusted fix for phones that are unintentionally submerged in water outdated. Long

WhatsApp About To Change Forever With revolutionary New Feature

The parent company of WhatsApp, Meta, was deemed a "gatekeeper company" by European Union lawmakers in September of

AI is currently being used in horrifying ways to “fix” women

Only a few weeks after lewd, artificial intelligence (AI) photos of Taylor Swift surfaced on X, the Grammy

An attempt to use AI to resolve conflicts didn’t work out well for humanity

It appears that AI chatbots are more impulsive than people and would detonate nuclear bombs merely for the

Blood-based batteries are now a thing

We now have working blood batteries, which is another strange creation. Researchers at the University of Córdoba have