Prepare for the unexpected under today’s Scorpio Moon.
Is this an irresistible offer, Capricorn, or is there a catch?
Sagittarius, be careful with the words you use because they could be misinterpreted.
Here are today’s horoscopes for all star signs: Friday, March 1, 2024
March 21 to April 20
While good things seem to be happening, there’s also a lot going on behind the scenes, Aries. The Scorpio Moon clashes with Mars and electric Uranus, so positive news could coincide with a confrontation or an unexpected happening. And although such events can derail your plans, they might rearrange things in such a way that new opportunities are added into the mix.
Get all the information you require about being a Aries by visiting this page
April 21 to May 21
Sparks can fly, as the Scorpio Moon links with two restless planets, so it’s very likely you won’t see eye-to-eye with everyone. There’s even a chance you could fall out if you push your luck too far. Still, there may be a shred of diplomacy in the air as a more harmonious tie encourages you to see the good in another, and to find a compromise rather than fight over something pointless.
Get all the information you require about being a Taurus by visiting this page
May 22 to June 21
The urge to keep going despite needing to rest, could result in a fractious day when it’s better to simplify your schedule than go too far too fast. Whatever ideas you have in mind can succeed if you plan how you’ll go about them. The Scorpio Moon suggests that by strategically adjusting your routine you’ll get there. And connecting with friends may be a great chance to unwind.
Get all the information you require about being a Gemini by visiting this page
June 22 to July 23
You may be in no mood to be tactful, especially as the Moon, your guide planet, tips a wink to both feisty Mars and maverick Uranus. Anyone who thinks you’re predictable might be in for a shock. You could surprise others with your desire for change, even if it’s at the cost of comfort. And yet other more positive aspects hint that your approach can lead to a fresh opportunity.
Get all the information you require about being a Cancer by visiting this page
July 24 to August 23
Could this be the day you decide to clear the air, Leo? Intense lunar aspects suggest that you’ll speak your mind on the spur of the moment and create a few waves in the process. With stubborn energies involved, it could even turn into a long-standing feud. Venus’s link to healing Chiron suggests it’s best to seek a positive outcome that resolves this issue and helps all concerned.
Get all the information you require about being a Leo by visiting this page
August 24 to September 23
It’s possible you’ll receive some good news or have reason to feel optimistic about life, so if your schedule becomes unglued you won’t be too upset. And it may well do, as revolutionary energies could cause people to cancel their plans or for unexpected incidents to prevent you doing what’s necessary. And yet because of this, something interesting might show up for you.
Get all the information you require about being a Virgo by visiting this page
September 24 to October 23
A lively aspect encourages you to say what’s on your mind, even if it does mean admitting you’re annoyed and frustrated by events. Don’t feel bad for sharing. Even if it causes some upset, it’s time that others knew too. It may be because of you that something finally gets done and a big change takes place. And although this could be disruptive, it will be better for all.
Get all the information you require about being a Libra by visiting this page
October 24 to November 22
No matter how much you think you know about a certain person, they could surprise you by doing something totally unexpected. It may be nothing that affects you, and yet you might be shocked that you hadn’t seen this side of them before, Scorpio. You’ll be slightly more guarded in their company than you have been, and left wondering what else there is to find out.
Get all the information you require about being a Scorpio by visiting this page
November 23 to December 21
It’s fine to be critical, as long as your intention is to help others. But it’s not a good idea if you don’t like the way things have been done. With the Moon in Scorpio making some edgy aspects, it’s wise to bear this in mind before you say something that makes things worse, Archer. On the plus side, you may be ready to leave the known and trusted and try a new experience.
Get all the information you require about being a Sagittarius by visiting this page
December 22 to January 21
Someone might make you an offer, but you may wonder if there’s a catch to it. With some unstable and intense energies on the go today, it’s best not to take anything at face value. It’s not that you can’t trust this person, but more that they could be caught out by unexpected events that will change things. Wait for a day or so before you agree to anything, so you aren’t caught out.
Get all the information you require about being a Capricorn by visiting this page
January 22 to February 19
The Sun’s positive tie with Jupiter is perfect for a get-together or other happy occasion, especially if you’re planning on inviting people around to your place. And yet with a Scorpio Moon making some awkward aspects, it’s possible that a sensitive topic of conversation could bring up unwanted feelings. Changing the subject or steering clear of this particular issue might help.
February 20 to March 20
Don’t do what everyone else is doing, as you likely have a more interesting idea of how you want to spend the day. You could be made to feel guilty for not going along with others’ plans though. Stick with your original idea as it will be a lot more fun, and you’ll discover something interesting along the way. It might even bring new and delightful opportunities into your life.